Friday, July 4, 2008

Latin in Lexington!

I'm leaving for Kentucky tomorrow morning for UK's Conventiculum Latinum. I'll be speaking nothing but Latin for a whole week.

Last month I was a counselor for Christendom's first Latin Immersion week. Thirty high school students were willing to spend a week of their summer at a little Catholic college, learning to speak Latin. They made a huge amount of progress - at the end of the week we went to DC, and they were chattering in Latin on the metro. (This got us a few confused looks.) Then they celebrated by having a toga party back on campus and mobbing the little convenience store up the road to buy ice cream. The cashier decided that they were speaking Spanish. I'm excited about going to one of these events as just a student, and I hope to get some direction from it as well as a whole lot of Latin. Valete in proximum!

1 comment:

The Bent Branch said...

Colloqviminī cum aliīs sodālibus SCHOLÆ in Locūtōriō

Virtuālī (Latin Language chat room).


Sī in līneā Interrētiālī nōbīscum nunc es, inscrībe,

sīs, nōmen tuum et agedum, intrā in Scholæ

Locūtorium Virtuāle, fenestrā Locūtōriī in ūnō

angulō qvadrī vīsíficī tuī apertā relictā ut

perspectēs qvis alius in Locūtōriō sit cum qvō

confābularī forsitan velīs!

Memor estō illīus sapientis et vétĕris prōverbiī:

"Piscātor patiēns prǽdam suam capit."

Si cyberpressōrium tuum super internexum qvī suprā

appāret premis, qvadrātum vidēbis ubi "Screen Name"

(Nōmen Cybernēticum) inscriptum est. Dēlē "Screen

Name", in locum qvōrum verbōrum anglicōrum inscrībe

deinceps (in eōdem qvadrātō textuālī) nōmen usōris

tuum. Deinde preme cyberpressōrium tuum super

spatíolum qvod iuxtā est, ubi verbum ánglicum "Log

In" (Inscrībe hīc nōmen tuum ut intrēs) legitur.

Nec cryptographēma necesse est intrōdūcere nec

inscriptiōnem ēlectrónicam.

In Locutōriō Virtuālī nostrō cum aliīs colloqviōrum

participibus vel microphōnō vel machinā

phōtographicā tēlārī vel símplice scriptiōne

commūnicāre potes.

(Latin Language Chatroom)