Thursday, July 8, 2010

Poetry Links

The Trousered Ape creates a Shakespearian slasher flick.

From YouTube, an old documentary on Hopkins in five parts. Look for the cool footage of St. Beuno's in Wales in part 3.

One of my favorites from Dylan T., "Author's Prologue."

Sylvia Plath reads "Poppies in October" (one of her less savage poems) and "On the Difficulty of Conjuring a Dryad" (can't you hear her channeling Dylan? pretty sure this is older), and bites Ted Hughes in the face just after 7:18. (Dude, run away!)

Oh yes, and I finished my Horace. Email me if you want it (I don't want to publish the whole thing on the web, in case some journal accepts it.)


some guy on the street said...

I simply can't read any more of T.Ape's ... Kill. It's just too... (mustn't blaspheme, now!)

<noises of mirth>

In fact, I think it's time for breakfast!

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